Assessing critical and creative thinking has been a source of angst for educators in an environment of content-heavy curricula. One of the reasons for this is that the nature of inquiry in curriculum documents has been poorly expressed. A better understanding of inquiry delivers a sharper focus on the skills associated with inquiry, and these are skills largely those of critical and creative thinking. The purpose of this workshop is to articulate precisely these skills and how they manifest in student work across all year levels and all disciplines. Participants will be provided with a matrix that lists a large number of these skills and how they they be evaluated. Importantly, it also provides teachers with an understanding of how to generate such criteria in any curriculum context. 

Workshop by Peter Ellerton as part of the ACSA 2018 Curriculum Symposium


About Public events

Conferences, symposia, and other public events on critical thinking and critical thinking pedagogy.  


Hotel Grand Chancellor, Brisbane
23 Leichhardt Street