Our partners

UQ Partners

The UQCTP is hosted by the UQ School of Historical and Philosophical Inquiry.
The Enhanced Studies Programs gives year twelve students the opportunity to extend their knowledge, skills and abilities by completing one university subject. The UQCTP contributes to the program with its WRIT1999: Effective Thinking and Writing unit.
The UQCTP collaborates with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies unit in a number of projects aimed to promote university engagement and academic success among Indigenous students.
The UQ Young Achievers Program aims to support the tertiary study and career aspirations of senior secondary school students who might not otherwise have access to university as a post-school option. The UQCTP contributes to the program with dedicated workshops in critical thinking and assessment strategies.
The Teaching Masterclass Series, run by the Institute of Teaching and Learning Innovation, assists teachers to excel in teaching for 21st-century students. The UQCTP contributes to the Series with masterclasses on the pedagogy of critical thinking.
35 + Units
Since 2013, more than 35 UQ Schools and Institutes have contributed to UQCTP's on-campus experience days with workshops, showcases, and interactive modules.

Partnering Universities

The UQCTP is partnering with UCLA, Simon Fraser University, and Pepperdine University to roll out pilot projects based on the UQCTP pedagogical framework. 

 SFU logo   


UCLA logo

  Pepperdine University logo