
Luke Zaphir on Questioning of Credibility

Link to podcast here.

Questioning of Credibility (Luke Zaphir)

Luke Zaphir, a researcher at UQ Critical Thinking Project at The University of Queensland, joins the show to discuss the questioning of credibility.
Find the podcast here.
Why Critical Thinking should not be understood as a codified, procedural process, and its importance to public reason and participatory democracy. Inaugural professorial lecture delivered by Prof Deb Brown on the occasion of the 2019 HAPI Annual Lecture.

Deep and Meaningful Learning

A/Prof Deb Brown explores the role of Critical Thinking in enhancing deep and meaningful learning. Presentation delivered as part of the Science of Learning Research Centre - Higher Education Learning Framework seminar series.

Cognitive bias and Critical Thinking

Contribution by Peter Ellerton during the HEAL (Health, Ethics and Law) panel discussion on Cognitive Bias in Forensic Reporting.


Interview with Prof Deb Brown for Economics Explored